Wednesday, 27 April 2011

The Red Brick Building is insulated

The past month we've been out of town more than we've been in town.  We had a week and a half in Dublin and London, then a week in Boston, and then another week and a half in Istanbul, Porto and Lisbon.  It was an absolutely wonderful vacation but of course, while we were away virtually nothing got done.  Since returning, my partner in crime's mantra has become: "we need to go in to the building every day".

At long last, the insulators completed their work. They took advantage of our absence to blow us off for nearly two weeks, with stories about how their truck had broken down and a series of empty promises to show up on specific dates.  Of course they already have half the money for the job and they've already thrown off all the other scheduled crews (wallboard, flooring, kitchen installation, painting), so there's not much to do but keep calling, keep insisting.  They've jeopardized the whole job and cost us serious money. I know it's bitter, but if I have anything to do with it they're going to have a long wait for the second part of their pay. 

The sheetrock guys started in earnest yesterday after spending several hours on Monday craning huge stacks of the stuff off a truck.  There are piles of wallboard everywhere in the Red Brick Building:

You get the idea.  Hopefully you aren't so excited by the sight of it at long last that you fail to notice the newly-insulated walls.  Mostly they used sprayed-in foam (the yellow and green stuff in the photos), but around the common entryway and between the two units at basement-level they used the traditional pink fluffy stuff:

It's silly, but I love the look of the pink insulation.  Sort of like a flock of flamingos has been jammed into our walls. 

The sheetrockers are making slow progress but they warned us that they could only put two guys on the job yesterday and today but that tomorrow they expect to have a full crew so they can start plastering too.  They also said they were going to work on Saturday.  We'll see.  They seem like good guys but I've been jilted too many times to truly trust again.  So far the basement of Unit 1 is boarded and part of the kitchen/living level of Unit 1.  You used to be able to scoot between the two units in the basement, between the walk-in closets' back walls.  No more.  It's also super dark in the Unit 1 bathroom now because the walls are in but there's no window.  For the time being, here's Unit 1's bedroom:

And the view towards the bathroom:

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