Monday 13 June 2011

Hardwood floors in on our living room/dining room/kitchen level

The hardwood is completely installed on our living room/dining room/kitchen level, its been sanded, and the first of three coats of tung oil has been applied.  Overall, I'm happy with it: very dramatic.  The way the light hits the grain makes it look a little more striped and less chevron-y than what I'd imagined, but I still think it's good.  Have a peek:

The kitchen/living room level in the tenants' units are in the same state (though it's straight-laid wide plank in there).  Our floor installer is currently applying the second coat of tung oil.  Not sure when the third and final coat goes on, but it will need to be applied around the grand piano (which arrives by crane on Wednesday) and the kitchen appliances (which arrived today and will be installed sometime over the next few days - the plumber allegedly arrives on Wednesday.)

Speaking of kitchen appliances, it was very exciting to see them, even still crated.  Our range in particular is going to be somethin'.

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