Tuesday 14 June 2011

Kitchen appliances arrive and we have a working toilet!

The biggest news today is that we now have a functioning toilet!  This may seem like no big deal but I can assure you that the fact that there's been nowhere to pee while visiting (or working in) the red brick building for the past two years actually makes it a very big deal indeed.  That and the fact that we are supposed to be moving in - or at least moving all our furniture and boxes in - in a week's time.  It's in Unit 1's bathroom (Unit 2 still isn't grouted):

The kitchen appliances were delivered yesterday and the crew worked like brawny superheros to move all eight of them up the stairs from the curbside drop off.  The plumber is on-site today (hence the happy toilet), so he's going to start hooking them all up.  Some of the gang on the curb:

Tenants' fridges above and a tenant's dishwasher below:

One of the tenants' ranges:

Our refrigerator, in its final resting place:

See how much space there is above it? We were pleased to realize that we could built in major cabinets there going all the way up to the ceiling since storage space is at a major premium in our unit.  Hello, area for Christmas decorations, old photo albums, and other rarely reached-for items.

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